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ENC 1145
by Becky
Journal 1: Good Writing
Journal 2: Genre & Audience
Journal 3: Rhetorical Situation
Journal 4: Reflection
Journal 5: Knowledge
Journal 6: Knowledge & Circulation
Journal 7: Challenges & Strategies
Journal 8: Medium
Journal 9: Materiality
Journal 10: Discourse Community
Journal 11: Transfer
Theory of Writing
Final Reflection
Assignment 1: Audience Group Assignment
Assignment 1: Remediation
Assignment 1: Audience Cake
Assignment 2: Marketing & Nutrition
Assignment 2: Writing Genre 1
Assignment 2: Writing Genre 3
Assignment 2: Writing Genre 4 Reflection
Concept Maps
Exterior Writing
Art History Research Paper
Economics Career "Paper"
About this ePortfolio
About the Course
About the Student
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Assignment 1: Audience Remediation
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